

You don’t have to restart the game if you make changes either in the file or menu! Changes are applied automatically

Changable In-Game

You can configure tricksaber if you go to the ‘Mods’ tab in the left menu panel in Beat Saber

Changable in Tricksaber.json

You can find the file in the ‘Beat Saber/UserData’ directory

  • TriggerAction Throw | Spin | None (should be changed In-Game)
    What happens on trigger press
  • GripAction Throw | Spin | None (should be changed In-Game)
    What happens on grip press
  • ThumbstickAction Throw | Spin | None (should be changed In-Game)
    What happens on thumbstick move
  • ReverseTrigger bool (can be changed In-Game)
    Activate action when trigger is released rather than pressed
  • ReverseGrip bool (can be changed In-Game)
    Activate action when grip is released rather than pressed
  • ReverseThumbstick bool (can be changed In-Game)
    Activate action when thumbstick is in zero position
  • ThumstickDirection Horizontal | Vertical (should be changed In-Game)
    In which direction do I need to move the thumbstick to spin you saber
  • TriggerThreshold float (can be changed In-Game)
    How much do I need to press the trigger for something to happen
  • GripThreshold float (can be changed In-Game)
    How much do I need to press the grip for something to happen
  • ThumbstickThreshold float (can be changed In-Game)
    How much do I need to move the thumbstick for something to happen
  • ControllerSnapThreshold float (can be changed In-Game)
    The minimum distance between the controller and saber for the saber to snap back to the controller after a throw
  • IsSpeedVelocityDependent bool (can be changed In-Game)
    Is the spin speed/direction determined by how the controller was moved
  • SpinSpeed float (can be changed In-Game)
    Multiplies the spin speed with the value
  • SpinDirection Forward | Backward (should be changed In-Game)
    In which direction does the saber spin
  • ThrowVelocity float (can be changed In-Game)
    Multiplies the throw velocity with the value
  • ReturnSpeed float (can be changed In-Game)
    How fast does the saber return
  • ReturnSpinMultiplier float
    How fast does the saber spin on return
  • EnableCuttingDuringTrick bool (currently does nothing)
    Can I hit stuff during a trick
  • SlowmoDuringThrow bool (can be changed In-Game)
    Slow down time during the throw trick
  • CompleteRotationMode bool
    Completes the spin if stopped midway
  • DisableIfNotesOnScreen bool
    Should tricksaber disable itself automatically if notes are on screen and enable itself only if there are none
  • SlowmoAmount float
    How to subtract from the current timescale during slowmo
  • VelocityBufferSize int (Advanced)
    For how many frames does the velocity get recorded to get the average velocity
  • SlowmoStepAmount float (Advanced)
    By how much does the timescale gets increased/decreased per frame (higher value mean the slowmo effect gets applied faster)